Front Page: NCSC-FI
Front Page: NCSC-FI

Information security now!

Finland's transmission system operator Fingrid has announced that due to the current global situation, Finland should prepare for electricity scarcity and the possibility of power cuts caused by electricity shortages this winter. In this article, we provide information on how the potential rotating power outages, or rolling blackouts, would affect the functioning mobile connections, fixed broadband connections and television and radio services.

For more information on electricity shortages, electricity conservation and potential electricity distribution restrictions, please visit the website of Finland's transmission system operator Fingrid or contact your own electricity company.

The potential rolling blackouts would affect the operations of telecommunications operators as well: while public communications networks are secured against power cuts, in the event of prolonged or repeated blackouts, communications services would start to be affected as well.

Power cuts affect different communications services in different ways

Mobile networks and services

In the event of rolling blackouts lasting a few hours each, mobile services would have to rely primarily on 2G and 3G technologies. In other words, mobile networks would remain operational and you would still be able to make calls, but data connections, in particular, would be slow and problems with coverage might occur especially in new, energy-efficiently constructed buildings, for example.

Worried about emergency calls in the event of a disruption? Read our instructions and keep in mind that you should never make emergency calls or send emergency text messages just to test whether they work – let emergency response centres focus on dealing with real emergencies.

What about the emergency number 112? (External link)

How to make an emergency call without network coverage

Are you worried about the functioning of the public safety network VIRVE? Traficom is not the competent authority responsible for steering or supervising the resilience of public safety networks. For more information on these networks, please visit Erillisverkot’s website (External link) (in Finnish).

Fixed broadband services

During potential rolling blackouts, fixed broadband connections will primarily not work – especially those used by households, as the internal network components of residential buildings are not usually secured against power cuts. As a result, activities that rely on fixed broadband connections, such as surfing the web, engaging in remote work or using streaming services, will not be possible during rolling blackouts.

Cable TV services

During rolling blackouts, cable TV networks will primarily not work. Since most households have not secured the power supplies of televisions against power cuts either, watching television will not be possible during rolling blackouts.

Are you worried about how to follow the emergency warnings issued by the authorities in the event of a communications network disruption? Whatever the situation, the most reliable method is to use a battery-powered radio or car radio (see the section on terrestrial TV and radio services below). For more information on emergency warnings, please visit the websites of the Emergency Response Centre Agency (External link) and the Ministry of the Interior (External link).

Terrestrial TV and radio services

Terrestrial TV and radio services will remain operational for several hours during blackouts. However, since most households have not secured the power supplies of televisions or mains-powered radios against power cuts, watching television will most likely not be possible during rolling blackouts. Battery-powered radios or car radios can still be listened to, however.


Read more about the resilience requirements for communications networks and services, the impacts of rolling blackouts on communications services and compliance monitoring.